
Showing posts from July, 2019


HOW BUSINESS CAN USE SOFTWARE TO GET BETTER ORGANIZED    Business to define is an organization or  economic system where goods and services are exchanged for one another or for money. Every business requires some form of investment and enough customers to whom it’s output can be sold on a context basis in order to make a profit. For this to get better organized and for the provision of better services,  technology which involve the use of software should be applied or use.    What are software? Software is a part of a computer system that consists of data or computer instructions, in contrast to physical hardware from which the system is built. This idea of system software to improve business has led to the introduction of business technology in the business market. So therefore, business use software to get better organized in use for marketing, advertisement, online retailer/store, affiliate marketing, freelancer, tracking which help to get better organized in planning, managin


This is how food affect our mood :                For thousands of years, people have believed that food could influence their health and well being. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, once said:  "let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food"  The past 80 years have seen immense progress in research, primarily short-term human trials and animals, studies showing how certain food change brain structure, chemistry and physiology thus affecting mood and performance . Its however noted that food affect the body's metabolism , hormones and neurotransmitters (chemicals that are produced in the brain) and thus in return influence our emotions, concentration and energy.        First; the serotonin theory stated that your thoughts, moods and behaviors are the product of your brain - an exquisite spider's web of neuronal connections and witch's brew of neuronal chemicals. Mood is the product of chemicals in the brain called " neuroche